I am very thankful that he does not know all that is going on and how we have to wait to bring home. All that will be a blur to him. From what I hear, it will be a blur to us once he is home. We just have to get there.
I went yesterday and bought little G his sling. I can't wait to put him in here! Below is the link of the pattern I ended up getting. I'll be sure to take pictures of what he looks like tucked in there nice and cozy.
To Pack:
*Zippies are one gallon zip lock bags that other adoptive mothers from my agency pre-pack and send with travelers going to Guatemala so that we can give them to the foster mother manager for their baby. The foster mother manager makes sure that the corresponding foster mother receives the zip lock bag. Normally mothers send down additional clothes, disposable cameras, pacifiers, etc. The disposable cameras are then returned later on by the foster mothers. They are able to take pictures of the babies and then return them to the adoptive mothers. It is definitely nice to receive those back with captured moments on there that as an adoptive mother you can cherish those moments greatly. Sending stuff to Guatemala is very expensive and takes a long time. It's much easier to send it down with someone who is going.
Sound like a lot? Nah, we took much more down with us back in May. Three army duffel bags and one suitcase! This is nothing.