Today is a VERY good day! It took us exactly 13 weeks and 2 days to receive Pre-approval, but we got it! PGN here we come!!! It will most likely take a couple weeks (around 2 or so) to get into PGN, which is the final phase of the adoption progess and the most unpredictable. We hope to be in there for about two months without any kickouts. So please continue to pray for us. We greatly appreciate them. I am confident that everyone's prayers will bring our sweet little boy home.
HECK YEAH!!! *DOING THE HAPPY DANCE* This is a great day!!! SO happy for you guys!!
YAY that is the best news Maria. I am so happy for your guys. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!
OMG, c'mon PGN!!
Congrats ..and bring on the PGN!!! This is great news Maria...
Ktr - Kathy
WooooHoooo! That's wonderful! I'm just thrilled for you guys.
I'm so so so excited for you guys! The prayers did it! I'm over the moon for you guys. G will be home soon! ♥
When I saw Amy's e-mail yesterday, I got chills 'cause I knew what she was talking about!!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the Voss Family. I hope and pray that this last phase goes as quickly as possible.
OMG YAY YAY YAY CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear this news!
I'm thrilled for your family!!
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