Blogger just added a feature where you can click and follow this blog. Please note the gadget to the right of this post. I'd love to know who is following my blog. If you want to follow our journey, please click there. :-)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Lack of Posts
Sorry I haven't posted in the last couple days, but I've been sick since Sunday with a terrible cold. I'm hoping to kick it soon so that I can continue to post pictures and updates of Gabriel. :-)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Who Won the Super Bowl???
Crying it Out...
We are finally putting Gabriel's crib to good use even though we brought him home from Guatemala nine months ago. It was time for him to learn the term "cry it out". Tonight is Day 4 of CIO and we are going strong! Sometimes for the sanity of everyone involved, it's best to pull it off like a bandaid and make it through that first night of crying. After that, it's all downhill! Now we put him in his crib and within ten minutes he's down for the count! Here's to getting some good sleep again!! We were beginning to forget what that was like.

Dr. Voss
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9/11/01 -- Seven Years Later
There was no way today could by without a post. Seven years ago today we experienced the most horrendous, disgusting, vile attack on American soil that unfortunately one day Gabriel will have to learn about in school. Greg and I will have to explain to him that we were living in the DC metro area at the time and I lost co-workers from National Geographic that day -- including a class of school children that were on their way to California for a special trip because they had gotten the best grades. Their plane crashed into the Pentagon. I will never forget a single detail about that day. Every year when the 9/11 anniversary comes around, I relive all those details all over again down to remembering the exact clothes I was wearing.
To all the Bush haters who read my blog -- You can hate on him all you want, but you can't deny the fact that he has kept you safe ever since 9/12/01. I am thankful for President Bush, for the fact that he holds national security so high on his agenda and the fact that he won the re-election in 2004. There may be a lot of important items on your list for the next president, but if national security isn't at the top, healthcare, gas prices, economy, social issues, etc. won't matter if you're dead because we got attacked again.

All pictures are from
To all the Bush haters who read my blog -- You can hate on him all you want, but you can't deny the fact that he has kept you safe ever since 9/12/01. I am thankful for President Bush, for the fact that he holds national security so high on his agenda and the fact that he won the re-election in 2004. There may be a lot of important items on your list for the next president, but if national security isn't at the top, healthcare, gas prices, economy, social issues, etc. won't matter if you're dead because we got attacked again.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Mama's Favorite Time of the Day...
For my 200th post...
Friday, September 5, 2008
If you read my blog, I ask that you keep my parents in your thoughts and prayers as they are in the projected path of Hurricane Ike -- which appears will hit South Florida as a Cat 4. Shutters are going up tomorrow, cars are being moved, gas has been pumped and money has been taken out. Now, just pray and wait that this blows somewhere else and out of harm's way -- to anyone.

Happy 16 Month - a - Birthday!
A Sad Day
Well yesterday we had to do something very sad -- say goodbye to our dog and sweet companion, Zeke. Greg and I had to find Zeke a new home because ever since we brought Gabriel home he hasn't really adjusted. We miss him terribly and pray that he begins to love his new forever home. Here are some pictures from the moments right before Greg loaded him up in the car for the long ride to Charleston.

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