Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Oh what a bittersweet moment I experienced this afternoon.

We found out today at 5:07pm EST that Gabriel's birth mother signed off for the fourth and final time. Upon finding out, I started sobbing uncontrollably. I am beyond elated that he is officially our son, but my heart hurts for her tonight. She will never be far from my thoughts and one day I will tell Gabriel what an ultimate sacrifice she did for him ~ to have a better life. I knew this journey would not be easy for me. I have experienced a myriad of emotions on this rollercoaster ride especially since my birth mother gave me the same gift almost thirty years ago. I don't expect a lot of people to understand my feelings, but that is quite alright. My son and I already have things in common ~ a birth mother that loved us enough to make this sacrifice and adoptive parents to carry that journey out with unconditional love.


Elizabeth said...

I got the same news today and cried the very same tears. These children are such an amazing gift and I too will be forever grateful to her birthmom!

mesa said...

I am understanding this as we go thru the adoption process. I look at adoption in a whole new light before I even learned about it. I have so much admiration and respect for the birth mothers. What an incredible gift!
this put tears in my eyes Maria!

Beth's Blog said...


i felt the exact same way tobight when i read it too!!!!

i could not have said it better myself


Anonymous said...

Oh maria, i totally know what you are feeling; i always think about our son's birthmother and what a sacrifice she made - how do you even put that into words someday. I often cry just thinking about her, but then i'm so happy to have Sergio in our lives, but i will always, always honor his birthmother. Her birthday is on our family calendar now and we will do something special on that day too. Love Nicole ak.a colie

Anonymous said...

You said it perfectly...*hug* and congrats :)

TheOilHippie said...

I totally get the feeling from the adoptive mom side of the story. It is amazing what can trigger tears when it comes to thinking about our little CiCi's birth family. I can only imagine your emotions as you make this journey and can now see adoption from multiple angles.

Denise Anderson said...

WOW! Maria, I did not know that you were adopted what a great perspective you will give Gabriel!
Praying that you will get PINK soon!!
