Monday, November 26, 2007
We Got Pink!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
DNA 1 and DNA 2
Friday, November 16, 2007
And The Countdown For Pink Begins.......
This 2nd DNA test began recently in August to aid in eliminating any issues with regards to switching babies. Our agency is incredibly reputable so we never feared that problem, but every baby adopted from Guatemala now has to have this test done. This is a good procedure to have in place - to be able to compare the baby's 1st DNA test with his 2nd DNA test.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Please Watch This
Two families from my agency ( were interviewed regarding their personal adoption journeys and they bravely told their story. We continue to pray that a grandfather clause is enacted for in process families to be able to finish the adoptions they began.
In the meantime, we keep Baby Nora and Baby Isabella in our prayers; that they may be reunited with their forever families very, very soon.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Good News x Two!
On another good note, I was checking my credit card statement online and noticed that we were charged for his 2nd DNA test today!! So hopefully his DNA will be taken soon and the results can be sent to the US Embassy in Guatemala quickly so that they can issue pink!!!
Steps left:
* The new birth certificate and the entire adoption file of documents are sent for translation from Spanish to English.
*After translation, the final file is submitted to the Embassy for pink slip and the lawyer is given a second DNA authorization slip (US office processes payment with US Lab and faxes confirmations to Guatemala lab).
*The child is brought into the Guatemala lab for a second DNA test. The Guatemala lab sends samples that same day to the US lab.
*When the Embassy receives the results from the lab in the U.S. indicating a match with the first DNA test, it issues the pink slip (probably within 14 days of the second test).
* Pink slip is picked up at 3:30pm - embassy appointment day and time will be printed on the slip. FTC sends Pink Slip to you by email and you book your flights.
*After receiving pink slip and before Embassy Day, Guatemala office will prepare the package for Embassy Doctor visit and make the appointment based on availability of the Embassy Doctor.
*You come for Embassy interview appointment (M, T, W, or Fri, currently one to two weeks after pink)
*Next business day – Visa is ready (3:00 pm M-Th; 11:00 am Fri. – FTC will pick this up for you)
*Next Day – you can fly home
Monday, November 12, 2007
New Pair of Kicks
Saturday, November 10, 2007
November Doctor's Visit
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
We found out today at 5:07pm EST that Gabriel's birth mother signed off for the fourth and final time. Upon finding out, I started sobbing uncontrollably. I am beyond elated that he is officially our son, but my heart hurts for her tonight. She will never be far from my thoughts and one day I will tell Gabriel what an ultimate sacrifice she did for him ~ to have a better life. I knew this journey would not be easy for me. I have experienced a myriad of emotions on this rollercoaster ride especially since my birth mother gave me the same gift almost thirty years ago. I don't expect a lot of people to understand my feelings, but that is quite alright. My son and I already have things in common ~ a birth mother that loved us enough to make this sacrifice and adoptive parents to carry that journey out with unconditional love.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Happy 6 - Month - a - Birthday!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Guatemalan Elections
Saturday, November 3, 2007
What Needs To Happen Next?

- Birthmother signs final decree (final time she signs off)
- Birth certificate issued (From Maza for those wondering - with our last name!)
- Passport issued
- Orange (request for DNA to be done)
- DNA taken
- Results to US Embassy
- Pink (Embassy appointment is issued)
- Buy plane tickets and pack our bags to go pick him up!!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Surprise Visit Pictures!
Well, today we received my favorite pictures - surprise visit ones. Isn't he just adorable!? I can't wait to bring him home for good. My sweet little man...
Here are the rest of the pictures: