8/11/08 - Name has been chosen: Dog will continue with the name, Branson. I suggested Phoenix, but apparently that didn't cut it. Branson, it is.
My in-laws recently adopted a gorgeous 2 year old, Labrador and are in search of a name. He is currently named Branson right now as he was rescued from the floods in Branson, Missouri and rescue workers named him that. But they are not going to keep that name. Names not to suggest because they have already been held by previous dogs: Doc, Dakota, Thor, Freckles, Pups, Shannon (male dog), Riley, Duke, Tino, Rocky, Zeke, Lucky, Fluffy, Lexie, Alfie, Tillie, Taz and Reeces. Anything else is fair game, as long as it's a male name. :-)
Please post your suggestions in the comments by this Saturday at which point a decision will be made. I will post the final name.
Thank you!!