To keep you up to speed -- Gabriel had his tubes put in on December 15th and we are going for a follow up today to the doctor since he has had some ear discharge or as I call it, ear mung, coming out of one side. That and a horrendous cough that leaves him gagging, gasping for air and tearing up. Poor bubba. So that's 3pm today.
I did want to post some pics of him from the other night when his dad was getting him ready for a bath and he came out running looking like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. :) Sorry if some of these are blurry, but it's hard to catch a picture of a still toddler! Does one even exist?

Bahhhhh, look at him!
I hope things go well at the doctor and he feels better asap.
OMG he is soooooooooooooooooo cute!
AAAhhh I love it!! HE is too cute for words! ADORABLE!
hope the trip to the doc was successful. these pictures are adorable!
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