I work from home and also take care of Gabriel. Therefore since he has recently started standing up which will inevitably lead to WALKING, I knew a plan needed to be put into place. Now I can get work done and I don't have Gabriel unplugging my fax, chewing my cell phone charger or raiding my trash for anything he can put in his mouth! Serenity now........well, for now!
Greg and Maria met almost 10 years ago and have been married for seven. They are the parents of Gabriel, a three year old, spunky, ornery, toddler, who loves all things arachnid and was adopted from Guatemala in 2007. This blog began as a way to spread the word of Gabriel's adoption and to keep everyone informed of all the stages. It is now the story of a Christian family trying to perfect their walk with Christ, their Savior, while learning what grace, mercy and forgiveness are *really* all about.
How funny! Poor little guy looks like he is in baby jail :)
He just gets cuter and cuter Maria!
Hi little guy! I am LOL at all of the trouble he is getting into. LOL!
OMG that is totally baby jail, LOL - but I hope it helps!
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