We received our referral for our sweet little boy a year ago today and our lives has been forever changed. We cannot imagine our lives without Gabriel. Here is my blog entry from May 9th, 2007.
I can say without a doubt that this was one of the *HAPPIEST* days of my life - EVER. I put it up there with my wedding, graduating from college, etc. It was a biggie!
Wednesday, May 9th began like any other day. We were waiting to hear if my Colombian birth certificate was going to be accepted by Guatemala or not. Evidently the person who signed the document wasn't the same person that had their name typed under the line, so....we were basically looking at another 2 months of waiting to get a new birth certificate when my office phone rang at 4:30pm. Normally, I'm packing up my stuff to go by 4:29pm, but Wednesdays we normally go to church for dinner at 5pm, so I was waiting around. We were in the process of hiring a new admin at work so when the phone rang, I honestly thought it was one of the candidates calling me back to schedule an interview. Instead it was my case manager, T, who said it's T calling and I swear it took me like three seconds for it to click as to who was even calling.
She said she had good news! When she told me my birth certificate had been accepted, I started to cry. I couldn't believe it! Our prayers had worked! I was so overjoyed!!!! My case manager then said, wow, if you are THAT happy about this, wait until I tell you about HIM! At that point, I started screaming "we're having a boy??????" She went on to tell me ALL about him, etc and that she would be sending pictures of him. But that "he was as cute as all get out".
At this point, I ran to my boss' office and told him I would be right back. I grabbed my cell and keys and raced to Greg's office. His staff tried to make small talk with me and I basically blew them off as I ran down the hallway and exclaimed to him "we are having a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I then proceeded to cry like a little baby!! Typical Maria fashion! I checked my email from Greg's office and there were his pictures. We were IN LOVE immediately! We then called our parents and went to church for dinner. The rest of the day we were in a major daze as you can well imagine.
how sweet to always remember the happiness of that day and now you have G in your arms to remind you of that always!
That brought chills and tears all over again! Congrats on your one year Gabriel anniversary :)
I teared up all over again!
What a sweet story, I have tears in my eyes. Time to celebrate!
Oh man, let the tears flow!! I love that post - I remember you vividly telling us about your trip to Greg's office and I remember getting that text message! Im so glad your lives were blessed with Gabriel (and vice versa!).
Congratulations and Happy Mother's Day! I love that story and your son is adorable!
Ah, I remember that text and my reply (sorry, I was just happy, LOL). Makes me teary!
This is the sweetest story. :)
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